
Originally published Wednesday October, 12th 2005
My TeacHER woNt Be QuieT AND im TrYing To sLEep. WhAt ShoULD Do? I’m ReAlly Super TiRed aNd shE Has an anNoying voice.
Dear Squirrel,
What have you been up doing? Running around with that damn mouse friend of yours, finding the ruby yacht of Omar Khayyam or some such nonsense! You are so tired you can hardly type! Stop hanging around with that drunken Russian couple and pay attention in class.
Knowledge is power!
That being said, you should install your own Stallitude in the restroom closest to your class. When you need a warm burrito break, or want to catch up on your day trades you can just excuse yourself to the restroom. Theses little diversions should keep you awake, informed, and Stuffed!
The Axis of Stevil
Contributors: Stevil (Copywriting), Graham (Copywriting)
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