Why cant my computer tell me what i want and then get other appliances to help acomplish it?

Originally published Wednesday April, 5th 2006

Question : Why cant my computer tell me what i want and then get other appliances to help acomplish it?


Dear Goober:

You need to know what you want. How can a computer expect to perform a task when a task is not given? The Axis of Stevil appreciates your support and in return, we will give you some advice: Take control of your life.

Earlier, you came to us with your dating woes, which is understandable since everyone tends to hit a rut in romance. But now you can’t even seem to work with household objects simply because you do not know how to use these tools the way they were intended to be used. Computers and appliances are here to assist you, not to make things more arduous and complicated. Without humans, appliances would have no reason to exist. Take the actual word ‘appliance’ and notice that it is derived from the word ‘apply’. You must first apply yourself to these objects in order for them to work the way you want them to work.

The same could be said for the dating world. If you do not ‘apply’ yourself to your partner, how do you expect them to cater to your desires? Now, we are not saying that people should be treated as objects, but objects be treated as people. If you take care of these luxuries that you have in life, then they will return the favor.


The Axis of Stevil

Contributors: Dick (Featured image), Stevil (Copywriting), Graham (Copywriting)

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